Post-Harvest Innovations from Israel
Juran Technologies provides leading post-harvest solutions, for a variety of produce

Juran Technologies is celebrating 50 years of activity, an opportunity to reflect on the company’s various post-harvest projects around the world. The privately owned Juran cooperates with companies in Italy and China, orchestrating solutions which provide technology, management and manufacturing from all three, in an optimal way tailored for each project and client. 70% of the company’s projects are undertaken internationally, outside of Israel. Juran takes particular pride in its Aril System, an automatic solution for separating pomegranate seeds from the skin, and sees in it the potential to become a flagship product. “Consumption of fresh-cut pomegranate seeds is enjoying a dramatic increase, at least 20% a year,” explains Juran’s Marketing Director Avner Galili. “We’ve installed ten Aril System in California and Georgia over the past couple of years, as well as in Greece, Italy, Israel and more. The biggest markets for pomegranates are the U.S. and China, and the company has finalized a supply agreement for the Aril System to China.” Juran has also introduced an extensive dehydrating line for vegetables in California, a sorting and grading line in Israel, and supplied Schtrauss/PepsiCo with a new oven for the manufacturing of salty snacks – an impressive range of offerings. The company also offers an advanced solution for water-jet cutting of agricultural produce, a sector on the rise due to its food-safety benefits and minimization of labor. “We are active in a variety of arenas, including equipment for agriculture and food processing solutions,” explains Galili. “The range of our activities is wide, but the professionalism and high quality of the technology is our signature footprint in each and every project, and has been for 50 years.”