R&D Institutions

Volcani Center (ARO): Plant/Animal/Soil/Water/PostHarvest/Food/Environmental Science, Gene Crop Bank
Located at the Volcani Center campus in Bet-Dagan, near Tel-Aviv, ARO’s six institutes are responsible for Plant Sciences, Animal Science, Plant Protection, Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, and Postharvest and Food Sciences. ARO also operates two research stations, one in northern Israel and the other which specialize in desert Agriculture in the south. both centers serves as a testing center for agricultural produce and equipment. Israel’s Gene Bank for Agricultural Crops is also located on the ARO Volcani Center campus.
Website / Volcani Center
Phone / 972 -3-9683226
Fax / 972-3-9665327
Central and Northern Arava
The research and development activity in the Arava Valley was initiated in 1986, as a part of the Negev-Arava R&D. Its aim was to promote the development of the new settlements as they were officially declared high priority regions along the Israeli borders.
This activity was supported by the Jewish Agency for 11 years until 1997, when the Jewish National Fund (JNF) accepted the major funding responsibility with additional contributions from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry for Development of the Negev and the Galilee, Vice Prime Minister Office, the Settlement Department of the Jewish Agency, the regional municipalities (Central Arava, Tamar), the Plants Council, JCA, and private sponsors.
Website / Central and Northern Arava R&D
Email \ mop-arava@arava.co.il
Tel \ 972-8-6581653
Fax \ 972-8-6581235

ICA in Israel
Founded in 1891 by Baron Maurice de Hirsch, the Jewish Colonization Association started its operation in Israel in 1900.
During the last years, ICA has concentrated its activities to the development of the peripheral areas of Galilee and the Negev. ICA supports novel projects in the fields of education, agriculture and tourism in rural areas. ICA is unique in its support to agriculture and tourism in Galilee and the Negev. This is due to its recognition of the importance of these fields, as the main source of employment and income there.
Website / ICA
Email / ica@ica-is.org.il
Phone / +972-(0)9-7713046
Fax / +972-(0)9-7713390
Ramat Negev R & D operates within the framework of the Ramat Negev Regional Council. It is funded by JNF, Ministry of Agriculture, the Office of Development of the Negev and Galilee, and the Settlement Division of the Zionist Federation.
The Experimental Center was established about 50 years ago as part of the project of setting up regional R & D’s. Its main purpose was to encourage the development of agriculture in the periphery areas, taking advantage of the natural resources.
Ramat Negev is a desert region with two different types of soil: sand and light loess. The average yearly rainfall is 80 mm. There is a big contrast between day-time and night-time temperatures. Brackish water can be found in underground aquifers at a depth of 800 to 1200 meters, and is pumped out of wells drilled by the Mekorot Company.
Taking advantage of all these conditions, Ramat Negev R & D focuses on developing advanced agriculture in arid conditions, irrigating with brackish water.
Website / Ramat Negev R & D
Phone / 972-8-6557919
Fax / 972-8-6557492

The Israel Bio-Organic Agriculture Association
The Israel Bio-Organic Agriculture Association is a limited cooperative. It was founded at the end of the seventies by Mario Levy, a farmer of 84 years of age, from the Kibbutz Sde Eliahu in the Beit Shean valley. The goal of IBOAA is to achieve maximum preservation of the equilibrium of all the nature’s systems: air, water, soil, plants, animals and humans. But at the same time the principle that had always guided the association is to act kindly, using an educational and process-based approach. The association is involved, since its establishment, in initiating and producing a great number of educational – rehabilitational projects that reflect a social, humanitarian and equalitarian view. All members share the same desire to stop the damages inflicted to the environment and the soil fertility, to reduce the damage to humans, plants and animals, to improve the quality of the drinking water, to save water and significantly reduce the production of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and to ensure we continue to preserve the natural resources for the next generations.
Website / The Israel Bio-Organic Agriculture Association
Email / iboaa_m@netvision.net.il
Tel / 972-3-7361097/8
Fax / 972-37361103
Established in 1954, Gilat is situated in Israel’s northern Negev (31°20′ N, 34°40′ E, elevation 150 m above mean sea level) near Ofakim. This district includes four municipalities — Bene Shimon, Sha’ar HaNegev, Merchavim, and Azata — with 60 agricultural settlements that cultivate 800,000 dunam (80,000 ha). Agricultural facilities and services run by our research staff include a laboratory for the diagnosis of plant disease, nitrogen forecasting, a field services laboratory, and a national bank of genetic material for citrus orchards. The major tasks: to assist the growers in crop production in this semi-arid area with its major water limitations.
E-mail / Fanny@volcani.agri.gov.il
Tel / 972-8-9928680/4
Fax / 972-8-9928681

Zemach Nisyonot
Zemach Nisyonot is an agricultural research center involved in three areas:
2. Agronomist services: labs
3. Training & Programing, as part of the Agriculture Ministry training program
Website / Zemach Nisyonot
E-mail / nisyonot@zemach.co.il
Phone / 972-4-6773201
Fax / 972–4-6773201
Southern Arava R&D Center
This research and develpment center was established in 1964. It hosts a wide variety of scientific activities, including water sciences and soil, horticulture, postharvest, flowers and ornamental plants, vegetables, agrotechnology and plant protection.
The water, soil, and plant testing lab serves the researchers of the institute and together with extension officers of the Ministry of Agriculture, provides comprehensive support for the region’s farmers, landscapers and gardeners.
Website / Southern Arava R&D Center
Email / MopMgr@ardomnet.co.il
Tel / +972-8-6355740
Fax /+972-8-6355730

Mop HaHar
Mop HaHar’s mission is to serve our farmers in a reliable and dedicated fashion, in order to promote their professional and economic advancement.
Mop HaHar conducts scientific research in order to serve the practical and daily needs of our farmers.
Website / Mop HaHar
E-mail / giladfreund@gmail.com
Fax / 972-2-9923517