ROP Opens London Produce Show & Conference Seminar
ROP gave the opening speech at the London Produce Show & Conference seminars.

“The London Product Show & Conference is a very prestigious, professional event,” says Gal Wollach of ROP. “It was an honor to open the conference seminar sessions, and we got great feedback.”
Wollach’s presentation, titled “Fit for Purpose Packaging” was the first presentation in the June 4th event in London, which brought together retailers and professionals from all over Europe and the America.
Extending shelf life is becoming a priority for retailers and the industry as a whole, and for good cause. Over 130 Million tons of fresh produce are lost or wasted yearly in the global supply chain alone, above and beyond weight and nutritious value losses.
Wollach’s presentation focused on ROP’s ExtendCast™ packaging, which is tailor-engineered for each specific fruit, vegetable and herb, based on their unique respiration characteristics, water loss rate, mass and post-harvest processes keeping these products fresh much longer compared to unpacked or standardly packed produce, while maintaining their quality, taste, aroma, texture and appearance.
“The Fresh Produce industry is moving towards smart flexible packaging, and away from stretch and shrink wrap,” explains Wollach. “Our products are made of cast polypropylene and the industry buzz I heard at the event clearly shows the industry is moving in this direction.”
ROP’s uniqueness lies in expertise in three arenas: post-harvest (understanding what fruits and vegetables go through from harvest to shelf), polymer engineering and most important, how to combine these two to achieved the desired effect. “Understanding produce, or plastics alone is not enough to extend shelf-life,” explains Wollach. “In order to provide a truly professional product you have to understand both, and how they interact.”