Peppers Resistant to root-knot nematodes
"Hazera" has developed a new variety of peppers that is resistant to root-knot nematodes

“hazera” has developed a new variety of peppers that is resistant to root-knot nematodes and is aimed among other advantages to reduce use of pesticides.
this variety will be displayed for the first time at the arava r&d agricultural exhibition to be held for the middle and northern arava regions on february 1-2. 2017.
this high-quality variety is also suitable for organic farming.
the new variety (83823) is a red block pepper, most regular in shape and comes in large or slightly greater sizes.
this variety’s significant advantage is its resistance to the damage caused by the root-knot nematodes, which are very thin worms found in the soil and harm the plant’s roots, thereby severely impairing its ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil’s solution.
this resistance enables the farmers to cope more effectively with the damage caused by this pest. if until now the farmers used only soil fumigating materials prior to planting the crop, and additional pesticides as the crops grow, an important auxiliary tool has now been developed for them and this is the pepper variety resistant to damage by nematodes.
sometimes even after the application of pesticides, the nematodes become active again especially when soil temperatures are high and cause a considerable reduction in the crop’s yield. the new plant variety constitutes an additional significant protective tool and will make a crucial contribution to dealing with the pest.
“hazera” shall also present at the show at hatzeva a new variety of peppers called “tzalaf”. this recently developed variety is suited to israel’s specific climatic conditions and the growers’ needs.
the “tzalaf’s” advantage is its potential to obtain a high-quality harvest and fruit of moderate size at the end of the growing season compared to other varieties with oversized fruit and inferior quality at the end of the season for pepper exports from the arava.
itzik ezra, who is the marketing manager for israel at “hazera” noted that they searched for a solution for the growers’ benefit and so help them gain a high yield and a select harvest. the “tzalaf” pepper is suitable for growing with brackish water. the peppers maintain their size throughout the entire growing season, a fact of some importance for the export market.