the first cycle at “hamadrega”, the accelerator announced at kibbutz revivim, is set to begin this october. strategic partners in the accelerator include microsoft, deloitte, wix, activetrail, moblin and others. the entrepreneurs selected to participate in the accelerator will live at the kibbutz for the three month duration of the program, and receive hands-on guidance in both business and technology.
israel is home to a number of accelerators, but this is the first time that such an accelerator is undertaken by a kibbutz, israel’s traditional communes. this is also the first time an accelerator includes free room and board to participants.
according to david ben lulu, the kibbutz’s business manager, this is a natural progression which marks the entrance of the kibbutz movement to the worlds of finance and entrepreneurship: “the kibbutz industry made a major contribution to israel’s traditional industry was significant. we see this as an activity in synergy with the kibbutz’s existing activity, which is innovative in its essence. i am confident that in the future we will see more kibbutzim invest in start-ups and founding venture capital groups in order to become significant players in the local hi-tech industry.” for more inforamtion click here.