Plant Propagation

The Hishtil Revolution – Direct Marketing Plants: from the Nursery to the Window Box

Innovations exhibited by Hishtil at Fruit Logistica Berlin (Interview with Hishtil General Manager Amit Dagan)

each year hishtil strives to present new products at fruit logistica berlin. this year, it has introduced a revolutionary concept: the gardians.


these are plants suitable for indoors and balconies but with a modern twist: they are delivered by mail order in grow your own plant packages.

each six-seedling package is designed for mailing and customer planting. the packaging is designed to accommodate four herb types: tea mix, salad mix, barbecue mix and italian mix.


the innovation is that the customer orders the product on a diy website, receives it by post within a week, unpacks the seedlings, transplants

 them to a window box and enjoys fresh herbs.

the specialised packaging ensures a long shelf life and the plants may remain in their original packs for up to a fortnight, although they usually reach the customer five days after being sent from our nurseries in israel.


edible sorrel, red basil and compact plants for garden and balcony

the basil tree pot plant was launched five years ago at the ipm essen ,in the presence of hishtil founder, the late yehezkel dagan, who passed

away last year. it won a prize and enjoyed global recognition.




hishtil’s fruit logistica novelty is red basil on a stem, which has joined our , green basil varieties.

another hishtil innovation herb presented at the exhibition was oxalis that produces a tuber. it has a refreshingly tangy taste and is highly nutritious. it could replace the potato and is popular in new zealand.

a recent hishtil acquisition is the potted carnation. it has beautiful flowers and dense foliage, and does well in window boxes, patios and lobbies.

amit says that all hishtil potted plants thrive up to one metre inside the house and one metre away from the house, on patios, gardens and in lobbies.

a new hishtil star is the penstemon pentastic ™, available in four colours. it is a compact habit potted plant and flowers throughout the season.




hishtil, an international family firm, provides cutting-edge flowering, herbal and vegetable potted plants for the hobby market each year; the gardians, however, represents a completely new concept for the hobby market.

we need only await further revelations from hishtil.

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