Innovative solution for documenting and managing medical Cannabis growing processes
Ron Shani, Akol , Amiram Kfri, Riosol

by 2027 global medical cannabis sales are predicted to reach $57 billion, which will require precise documentation.
to that end, the agricultural programming house akologic, with its innovative agricultural management platform, has partnered with riosol, which specializes in documenting digital processes, and together have introduced the most advanced medical cannabis management system in the world: riologic, an innovative management system for growing medical cannabis that complies with imc-g.a.p. regulations.
the medical cannabis explosion we have witnessed is expected by 2027 to reach $57 billion, according to arcview market research. the rapid expansion of companies dealing in this field, and the stringent regulation imposed by countries on those involved, compels introduction of strict tracking and documentation in accordance with imc-g.a.p. regulatory demands.
the need for a quick, complete solution has led to commercial cooperation between two programming houses with unique synergy:
akologic, owner of the world’s leading agricultural management system, based on international microsoft’s cloud “win azure,” along with riosol, which specializes in documenting digital processes. their cooperation agreement includes development, marketing and joint sales of the riologic system, which complies with imc-g.a.p. regulations.
this system enables strict documentation and recording of each activity performed during cultivation, including growing processes, documentation of all plant protection processes, standards, inventories, pricing, etc. this documentation is performed digitally, automatically, without need for manual data entry.
amiram kafri, riosol’s marketing director, says that “documentation according to strict regulatory demands requires recording thousands of entries. prior to development of this system, workers were forced to record manually all the activities carried out on the farm, including documenting the steps executed on each separate female plant. so the need arose to develop a system that would enable workers to continue carrying out full documentation of activities, digitally, quickly, precisely and reliably, in parallel with continuous execution of activities and daily chores on the farm.”
all data is currently uploaded online using portable terminals to a central data base, and then to the akologic management program, for ongoing maintenance of activity, subject to cultivation procedures. built into the system are all the regulations, forms and automatic supervision tools that facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements.
the system enables surveillance of the cultivation protocol for each variety, documentation of operational activities and even calculation of precise pricing. the companies have integrated advanced bi technologies, enabling analytic research toward improving cultivation and control processes.
the article was published in #2 edition cannabis2020