Foreign Investment in Israeli Company Focusing on Insect Prevention
EdenShield, a company which specializes in odor masking insect prevention, gains investment

edenshield, trendlines agtech subsidiary, recently completed an investment round led by ourcrowd of just over $1 million. the company, which is in commercial stage now, will use the funds to expand operations, establish a distribution network, and reinforce the company’s team.
edenshield’s nontoxic insect control technology is based on extracts of medicinal plants endemic to israel’s semi-desert. the product masks the odor of the crop and lowers insect attraction, leveraging the beneficial characteristics of desert plants, causing the insects to simply pursue feeding options elsewhere.
pests cause damage of over $2 billion annually, by direct damage to crops or indirectly through the transmission of devastating viruses. conventional chemical pesticides are ineffective, as insects quickly develop resistance, even in a single growing season. this pest control material sustains its efficacy throughout the entire growing season of the crop, and insects do not develop resistance to it. as a natural material, the edenshield product can be used close to harvest, without health risks associated with conventional pesticides.
the company’s first product (net) is applied to greenhouse screens. its second product (direct) is applied directly to greenhouse flowers and medical cannabis. tests showed that this product lowers greenhouse penetration of whiteflies, thrips, tuta absoluta, red spider mites, and by over 90%.
the investment will be used to expand operations, establish a distribution network, and reinforce the company’s team.
yaniv kitron, ceo of edenshield noted: “we are delighted with the completion of the financing round and the support of ourcrowd, which will enable us to commercialize our products and to respond to the great interest we are getting from farmers and partners.”
elan zivotofsky, general partner at ourcrowd remarked “we are excited about our investment in edenshield because of their unique ‘green’ value proposition and disruptive technology that addresses a major pain point in farming, globally.”