CannaMix – A Unique Substrate Solution by Pelemix
Good News for Cannabis Growers
Interview with Eli Shalmon, Pelemix's marketing director & Roy Peleg, Pelemix's bussines developer

pelemix is a leading international company in themanufacture of growing substrate. pelemix began its cannabis growing activity several years ago, working with growers in the u.s. and canada, and with distributors to the “hydro shop” stores, which supply equipment for private farming in those countries.
with development of the cannabis growing sector in israel, mainly over the past two years, growers– veteran and new companies alike – began to set up projects throughout the country. as time passed, they also learned to recognize the advantages of cannamix, pelemix’s substrate solution, and to use it.
eli shalmon, pelemix’s marketing director, relates that some companies weren’t familiar with the product’s advantages. however, they realized that aside from this product, pelemix also provides a complete array of accumulated knowledge about the various cannabis growing processes worldwide. . at pelemix, cannabis is a separate division – a family of products appropriate for different production technologies, along with support capacity for all growing technologies.
their products are intended for new as well as more experienced growers interested in improving their growing array and in attaining better results. among other things, that means large, quality flowers at a reasonable cost.
roy peleg, who develops pelemix’s cannabis growing substrate division, emphasizes these points, stating that “there is a growing trend toward lower material costs –and also for the finished product. this trend has brought about changes in growing technology, and also adaptations to different climatic conditions affecting the various growing technologies, relevant inputs and of course solutions for growing substrates.”
once the company’s staff had analyzed all the data and the necessary materials for growing cannabis, their experts turned to developing a product called “cannamix”, which enables the grower to receive an entire growing system in a polyethylene bag, that combines many advantages for the grower:
– cannamix is a “ready for use” product. the growbag includes a growing substrate containing compressed coconut, and the volume of the mix increases when water is added. customers may chose different mix volumes by preference, growing stage, growing strategy, climate, etc.
cannamix comes in 4 liter and also the 27 liter size, which serves primarily for growing mother plants. the world trend reflects decreased growing volumes, so more and more growers prefer intensive, short and higher standing plants.– this product is simple to use – just place the compressed substrate on growing and drainage gutters or tables, and it’s ready for use and planting.
– the product contributes to workforce savings– in filling, transportation, cleaning flowerpots between cycles and sterilization costs. when replanting flowerpots, there is a considerable chance that various pathogens remain, but since cannamix is intended to be switched after each cycle, it saves all the work noted and avoids the risks of re-use.
– using the product enables efficient irrigation and fertilization, contributing to optimal yields and savings in growing costs.
– the product enables growers to opt to grow the vegetation and flowering stages in the same space, to choose a growbag upon which to place a cube with a seedling “plug”, or plant the seedling directly into the sack.
– the coco coir comes in two forms, thick and fine, and is known for its high hydrophilic and buffering characteristics, together with maximal drainage ability and quick root development.
cannabis growers who move over to cannamix use can choose from two chemical possibilities –
one: treated and washed material intended for less experienced growers who prefer the ready-to-plant product, or for large-scale growers who are experienced in the work, but are interested in saving time. so they can choose to expand the coco coir and begin growing, saving refilling and transportation costs;
the second possibility: the material is in a growbag which arrives after being washed with low ec but not treated, and is intended for more experienced growers who are interested in performing the relatively simple chemical treatment independently.
all growers, whether in israel or abroad, whether growing for medical purposes or for other goals, understand the advantages involved in pelemix’s product: one time use, physical advantages, possibility of maintaining a high greenhouse sanitation level, without need to clean and sanitize plants, as opposed to using a substrate with a potential for heavy metal contents or other pathogens. more and more growers switch over to work with this product, with full satisfaction.
pelemix staff members summarize, stating that in the future, along with the trend indicating decreased prices for the final product, whoever doesn’t prepare by making the work process more efficient and saving operating expenses, will not be able to afford the costs or the growing competition. our professional and marketing experience are already present in several leading territories in north america and also europe.