Stockton To Speak At ISPP 2017
How Timorex Gold® - a treatment to prevent Anthracnose in Avocados aids in Post-harvest loss
stockton stk, a leading company in the development and marketing of botanical based solutions for crop protection, was invited to speak at the iv international symposium on postharvest pathology in south africa,
post-harvest loss (phl) for human consumption can happen at every stage of the supply chain, from the farmer to the retailer or the consumer. the extent of these losses is substantial which has become a significant focus on global food security to find a solution. increasing agricultural productivity through innovation sustainable technologies, may not be enough.
fruit decays have been positively controlled with postharvest applications of timorex gold® caused respectively by anthracnose on avocado, one of the most significant problems in the industry. timorex gold® can reduced significantly anthracnose incidence on avocado inflorescences and in post-harvest on fruits through foliar application on field from flowering up to fruit growing.