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Water Management

Israeli Irrigation Innovations at the Bologna Exhibition

The bi-annual EIMA International Exhibition held on November 9th – 12th in Bologna is one of the most important European agricultural exhibitions, focusing on mechanization and irrigation.

Israeli irrigation companies meet their customers and suppliers at this exhibition and they take the opportunity to launch new products and technologies.


This is a very brief review of some of those innovative technologies.



The new AMIAD APOLLO range of disc filters (replacing the Galaxy range) offers a large filtration area and quality with very simple maintenance.

The new SIGMA screen filter range is entirely plastic or polymer, inexpensive and easy to maintain.

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II.RI Smart Irrigation Controller

Sophisticated software for smartphone or tablet (IoS and Android) providing control over the entire irrigation system. The user friendly system provides unique options and it is installed easily for existing or new systems.

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  • Hydraulic Control Valve – IR-105-4″L/6″R – Cost-effective control valve for 120-180 m3/h, 530-790 gmp irrigation blocks.
  • Electronic Register – Advanced metering with a digital display.
  • Solenoid/Hydraulic Control Valve – Control accessory for hydraulic valves and in low-flow irrigation and fogging systems.
  • Line of Air Valves – Comprehensive control solutions for pressurized pipelines and networks.

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New logo and website but most importantly:

Wi-Fi based, user friendly, advanced irrigation system design software, used by engineers and expert farmers to design all types of irrigation system. Graphs and tables display the results and diagnose design faults.

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New concept crop protection system, currently available for kiwi orchards and vineyards, with other crops in the pipeline. The system is static, easy to install and maintain. The system’s sophisticated control system is comprehensive and easy to use, it reduces machinery and labor costs, it is highly effective and can also be used for fertigation.

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Netafim exhibited in three different sectors:

  • Crops: Netafim provides accompaniment and after sale services to maximize commodity crop farmers’ returns. Netafim also aiming to raise rice yields and reduce chemical applications.
  • Services: Financing for projects of all sizes as part of a full service package.

New Products:

  • Low cost, thin wall drippers with high quality, excellent filtering and flow characteristics for one season crops.
  • Computerization and control products providing the farmer with control of the entire growing area using a smartphone.

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Three new products:

  • Rivulis Reserve, the premium tape offering 
  • D1000 combining the best of drip tapes and drip lines– very accurate, high volume, flexible drippers, with a slit exit to prevent the entry of dirt and roots.
  • A new line of automatic filters ensuring constant water flow and quality for dripper systems

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