Hazera’s innovations for the fresh chain
Hazera will present its fresh produce at Fruit Logistica 2016 in Berlin, Germany

To find out more, industry professionals are most kindly invited to share thoughts and ideas at the occasion of Fruit Logistica 2016.
Several successful varieties will be on show demonstrating Hazera’s products and partnering approach.
Dutch grower TB&S for example discovered the outstanding qualities and attractiveness of new pointed red cabbage, Tinty, and brought it to the shelves of leading retail chains. TB&S Co-director, Michel Timmerman: “For us, partnering with Hazera means building on their experience, adding ours, and thus benefiting together from chain-oriented innovative thinking.”
Goutine – delicious taste in a big tomato
a full size tomato. Goutine, with its juicy bite, is bringing the taste back into the kitchen. A result of 15 years of breeding; developed, grown and marketed in close collaboration with our partners in the supply chain; and preferred by many consumers.
You are kindly invited to meet Goutine at our stand at Fruit Logistica 2016.
Hazera – Committed to growing together

Hazera brings expertise, commitment and support, combining decades of experience with state-of-the-art technology. Hazera’s innovations are based on the solid foundation of modern science combined with traditional breeding methods to create top performing products offering optimal solutions
Hazera has been a reliable partner since several decades, offering varieties in a wide range of crops including tomato, onion, pepper, watermelon, headed cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, melon, cucumber, radish, leek and lettuce, covering all major segments for these crops.
Beside agronomic qualities such as yield and disease resistance, Hazera is focusing on qualities required by the fresh chain such as year round s upply, long shelf life, attractiveness, suitability for transportation, nutritional qualities, taste and convenience.
Hazera’s headquarters are situated in Israel and in The Netherlands, with subsidiaries in twelve countries and an extensive distribution network providing services in over 100 additional markets.
Of course our special invitation goes to representors of the press and media. For further information please visit us at our stand A-21 in hall 3.2. You can also call Arjan van Steekelenburg, tel. +31 6 4248 0735.