Flavor, color, quality and shelf-life – innovations in stone fruits
Innovation, precedence and consideration for growers are the guiding values of Ben Dor Fruits
Interview with Ido Ben Dor of "Ben Dor Fruits"

Innovation, precedence and consideration for growers are the guiding values of Ben Dor Fruits from Yesod Hama’aleh in the Upper Galilee, since 1884. This family business concentrates on developing and improving summer fruit varieties. Ido Ben Dor relates that “every year we develop new cultivars in order to fit the changing field and market conditions, and to achieve an advantage compared to existing varieties in the market. Keeping in mind the grower’s benefit, we constantly aspire to increase quality. Furthermore, we invest in development of new products that will lead the market and dictate quality.”
Motivating “Ben Dor Fruits” is aspiring for innovation, to strengthen growers and bring the very best produce to the consumer. In the upcoming Berlin Fair to be held in February this year, Ben Dor Fruits will bring fruit from the improvement program that is run in the Southern Hemisphere, including plums, apricots, nectarines and pears.
Ben Dor will also utilize the Fair to exhibit a variety of new products with special flavors, textures and appearance:
— Watermelon plum, which is green outside and red inside, with an amazing flavor, whose advantage is that it can be supplied throughout the season.
— Colored apricots, which come in six different colors: black, spotted, striped, purple white and orange.
— Super sweet apricot, called aromacot, with special aroma and flavor. It’s unique in that between 20-25% of its content is sugar.
— Plummegranate, with its special coloring: black outside and deep red inside.
Research on the health benefits of the “red-flesh” type plums has found that the level of lycopene and anti-oxidants in a single fruit is five times greater than the amount in a glass of wine, and three times the amount in a pomegranate.
The masterpiece of innovative developments at Ben Dor is the Eden pear, resistant to diseases such as Fireblight, and can be grown in any climatic conditions, since it is can withstand extreme weather: from 100 to 2,000 hours of chilling hours – in Europe, the U.S., South Africa, and very hot areas such as North Africa and the rest of the middle east, where 100 hectares will be planted this season. The
Eden Pear, whose flavor is excellent, is acclaimed to be the tastiest pear ever, also enjoying a shelf-life of one year!
The Ben Dor varieties, notes Ido, are grown in Israel and in 28 countries worldwide, and in each and every place, he emphasizes, the results are excellent in terms of flavor, appearance, and disease resistance.
In addition to improving stone fruit and pome fruit varieties, Ben Dor has been exporting stone fruits for 32 years, according to an orderly plan throughout the years, to the large retail chains in Europe, and especially England.
“Ben Dor Fruits” will participate in the Fruit Logistica Fair to be held in Berlin between 6-8 February 2019, at the Export Institute pavilion- Hall B, CityCube