Dates harvest season has begun and brings the biggest date to the Israeli president

Israel has managed through unique trial conducted by the Agricultural Ministry to grow the Anbara date and to produce the biggest date worldwide. The Israeli Anbara date reaches 10 cm, comparing the Medjool, which reaches 6-7 cm.
The biggest date in the world – grown in Israel – will have a prominent presence in this year’s “open succa” at the residence of President Shimon Peres, honoring “Sukkot” Holiday.
The specie was planted 7 years ago in the Eden R&D Agriculture Center, and is being harvested for the first time this year.
Medjool date production in Israel is carried out mostly in areas near the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. Areas in the Jordan Valley and near the Sea of Galilee round out the country’s production, which could reach up to 23,000 tons this year.
Israel produces most of the world’s supply of Medjool dates. about half of that production stays in Israel and the Middle East, and the rest mostly goes to Europe and Russia, with some small amounts going to the Far East.