A Solution for Climate Control in Greenhouses
Naan Dan Jain recently launched an innovative system, for climate control

The Naan Dan Jain recently launched an innovative system, which offers the optimal solution for climate control in greenhouses. The system is designed to cope with severe weather problems, which have a considerable and often devastating effect on plants thereby causing a shortage of vegetables, fruit and leaf crops in the various markets The “Super Frogger Sprinkler” system, which was developed recently, has just appeared on the market to help solve extreme climatic problems. This new climate control system uses one of the world’s most advanced irrigation controllers that help to lower greenhouse temperatures when conditions of extreme heat prevail. The water in the system creates a kind of mist that reduces the temperature and the humidity accordingly, all for the benefit of the crops. The new Naan Dan Jain sprinklers system has been installed in several greenhouses for growing leaf crops using hydroponics and there the desired climatic conditions were maintained thus preventing damage to the crops. Naan Dan Jain claims that this system can serve as a kind of insurance policy for preserving the crops in this region’s unpredictable climate that is characterized by extreme variations. The system will be presented at the major agricultural exhibition to be held at the R&D Central and Northern Arava on January 20-21, 2016
Naan Dan Jain with production plants at Kibbutz Dan in Northern Israel and Naan close to Rehovot conducted tests and trials during the summer months at different greenhouses throughout the country and found that the system was especially effective for diverse crops, which are particularly sensitive to extreme climatic changes as well as in areas such as the Arava where even more extreme weather conditions prevail.
During tests at greenhouses in Northern Israel for growing Salanova lettuce as well as in other greenhouses in the center of the country a significant drop in temperature and a higher humidity level were recorded during heat waves (hamsin). Consequently, the climatic control system facilitated an uninterrupted food supply to customers and an improved lettuce crop.
Similar encouraging and successful results were obtained at tests in the Arava and the Negev where the heat conditions are particularly extreme.