Seed Technology

The largest root vegetable producers in Israel published their activity report

Dror Tanuri CEO of Yaham (Hevel Maon factories):"Our production volume for 2012 is over 210 thousand tons"


according to dror tanuri ceo of yaham (hevel maon factories), “we produce and market root vegetables from 14 communities at western negev. our production volume for 2012 is over 210 thousand tons divided to: 150 thousand tons of potatoes, 35 thousand tons of carrots, 10 thousand tons of radishes, 12 thousand tons of citruses and 4 thousand tons of onions”.


nuki neufeld, marketing manager of yaham, says “45% of our amount is exported. the exports divided between the united kingdom (45%), germany (15%), france (14%), the netherlands (13%) and switzerland (13%)”.


at certain times of the year, the soil of russia cannot raise carrots as a result of the cold climate. in these times the negev (southern israel) becomes the barn of traditional and organic carrots for the russians. the annual trade with russia is about 200 thousand tons of carrots in the last two years. the sales volume made russia to the main export market for israeli carrots.


tanuri added the cooperation between the farmers in the area, allows creating a chain of production and marketing standing in quality and cleanliness standards. this is why buyers prefer to purchase from organized agricultural brands, with no doubts about the produce quality”.




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