Taste Israel – A world of Freshness
The Israel Export Institute erects a national pavilion at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019 in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Agriculture

The Fruit Logistica Fair will open on February 6, 2019 in Berlin. This year an Israeli pavilion will also be set up at the Fair by the Israel Export Institute in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economy and Industry.
I met Yaara Shimony, manager of the Fresh Produce department at the Israel Export Institute, for a conversation about the department , the possibilities available to exporters, and the support that can be received from the Institute.
About the Israel Export Institute
The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute (IEICI) is the primary organization facilitating trade ties and contacts between overseas businesses and Israeli companies. The IEICI is a non-profit organization, founded as a joint venture between the Government of Israel and the private sector to promote Israel’s exports. The IEICI is mandated to promote Israel’s industrial capabilities through business cooperation on all levels.
About the Israeli Pavilion at the Fair
The Israel Export Institute erects a national pavilion at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019 in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Agriculture. At the pavilion, 8 Israeli companies will present groundbreaking produce grown in Israel.
What makes Israeli produce unique?
The colors, aromas and textures of Israeli fruit and vegetables comes from the quality that exists only in Israeli weather, and with vast agricultural knowledge. Israeli produce is considered reliable, safe, innovative and of high quality
Has there been an increase in exports in recent years?
Indeed, we see a steady growth in exports in recent years. Exports of fruits and vegetables from Israel totaled $941 million in 2017, a growth of 21% over 2016 exports. Vegetable exports were about $381 million of the total, a growth of 20% over 2016 exports, while fruit exports were $560 million, a growth of 27% over 2016.
What are the advantages of fresh Israeli-grown produce?
– Cutting-edge Research and Development of new varieties, flavors.
- Ideal for worldwide trends: environmentally friendly, organic.
– Range of top quality fresh agricultural produce – Fresh herbs, Fruits, Citrus & Vegetables.
– Unique climate, perfect for around the year crops.
– Advanced logistical capabilities, allowing continuous supply with optimal transport conditions.
– Advanced, high-end storage technology.
– High quality agricultural produce.
– State-of-the-art packaging processes.
– Top product safety & advanced Production Control.
What activities are expected in the next year?
An Israeli pavilion at Fruit Attraction 2019, and at The New York produce show; Business missions to Singapore and Romania, a junket (press tour) to Israel to promote the Israeli Produce industry, and more.
Due to these activities, the Israel Export Institute receives scores of requests during the year, from importers, buyers, distributors seeking Israeli produce.
We make the connection between the clients and relevant Israeli companies.
You are invited to visit the Israeli Pavilion at City Cube, Hall B, C-15, C-17, C-18.
Ms. Yaara Shimony, Manager, Fresh Produce, Israel Expo institute