New Research Planned on Fertilizers
A cooperation between the Volcani Institute and ICL will focus on research and developments of new fertilizers.

the volcani institute and icl have signed a long-term cooperation agreement to engage in joint research in the fertilizers arena. in the framework of this cooperation they will research and develop new advanced methods of fertilization and providing nutrients to plants, which will turn israel into a leading supplier in the field. as part of the agreement, about $2 million a year will be invested in the research, which will span eight years.
according to nissim hadar, ceo of icl, fertilizers are a deciding factor in the quantity and quality of harvests. optimal fertilization that is suited to the crop enables growers to get more out of every acre, improves the durability of the plants and the quality of the harvests. it enables farmers to supply the nutritional needs of the world’s growing population.
despite the cruicial importance of using the right fertilizer, and despite the global awareness of the need to improve the quantity and quality of harvests, the number of researchers active in this field is very small. therefore professor yoram kapulnik, who heads agricultural research at the volcani institute feels that it is important to educate a generation of researchers in this field. “its clear that this knowledge is needed today more then ever, and will certainly be needed in the future, because of the growing population in the world and the global changes that are limiting the land available for agriculture.”
the above are excerpts from the original hebrew article which appeared in nrg..