Israeli Water and wastewater management technologies will be presented in Watec 2013

Israeli experts from the water sector have engaged with an impressive group of high ranking government officials, heads of organizations and business men from different sectors on some of the “secrets” behind Israel’s innovations in water management; while sharing knowledge on best practices in the sector in a day’s seminar held in Accra.
Watec 2013
The seminar, organised by the Israeli Embassy in Accra, was organized as a Sneak Peek at the international WATEC 2013 conference to be held in Israel next month (22-24 October) and that would bring tens of thousands of participants from all across the globe for three days of highly intensive program uncovering all of the newest most developed technologies and discoveries made in the field of water and wastewater management.
Israel’s Water Industry
The Ambassador explained that “Water Technologies have been a national priority in Israel” and as such “The Israeli water industry is recognized today as a global leader in the water arena thanks to breakthrough technological innovations in areas such as desalination, drip irrigation and water security”.
By the end of this year, 2013, desalination plants in Israel will supply more than 500 million cubic meters of water per year, supplying 35% of the country’s fresh water needs and with 75% of its waste water reused in Agriculture allow for the fact that Israel’s water consumption has remained basically the same in nearly 50 years, despite the doubling of its population and growing industry and agriculture sectors.