Israeli Bees on Their Way to Japan
Japan is suffering from a fatal epidemic to their bee population, due to persticides in rice fields. Israeli bees are being flown to Japan to boost the bee population.

Israeli bees sent from Israel to Japan are helping Japanese farmers to overcome the harm to their bee population, which has worstened due to use of pesticides in rice fields. The Israeli bees are on their way to Japan in ventilated beehives, each of which includes a queen bee and 5 worker bees which tend to her.
The team at BioBee at the Sde Eliayhu Kibbutz, which grow and send the bees, make sure that the queen and worker bees experience as comfortable a flight as possible, “first class” style with a fast and easy connection in Moscow. Each beehive is equipped with a small bag of sugar water which provides the bees with water and meals.
When they reach Japan the bees are sent to farmer greenhouses all over the country and conduct the polination for the vegetables in the greenhouses, which is cruicial for growth. Despite what some people say about Israelis, these Israeli kibbutz bees are good-natured and don’t tend to sting their Japanese handlers.
The phenomenon of the decline in the bee population is global, but it has been made more severe in Japan due to the extensive use of pesticides in rice fields throughout the country.