during the open day, hazera showcased several new and surprising varieties:
puma personal watermelon – the variety that was launched this summer in israel, in premium retail chains and markets, and that has attracted widespread media attention. the puma watermelon was developed in israel by eran yossov, a breeder at hazera, based on a concept suitable for the 21st century: shopping convenience, ease of storage, suitability for families and healthy consumption, ensuring quality, without wasting half of the fruit left in the fridge from yesterday because it was too big.
puma is a groundbreaking watermelon, both in its quality and excellent flavor. puma has an intense red color, high brix (sugar content), crunchy texture and high uniformity. it is circular in shape, and weighs from 2 to 2.5 kilos.
puma variety was specifically developed for the american market, where personal watermelons comprise one third of overall watermelon consumption. puma’s outstanding qualities are the primary forces driving awareness for this variety among growers, retailers and final consumers. in the european market, interest in puma is growing, especially among several leading retail chains, as a result of its outstanding quality.
puma has its own web page, click to read more about it.
cluster tomatoes – shunit (1224) – our new cluster tomatoes! shunit is a variety for cluster harvesting, with a good fruit size,
plentiful yield and resistance to cracking. shunit’s fruit quality is good, as is its shelf life, and the plant’s foliage is health.
ofek melon – an ananas type orange melon, with strong orange flesh that is very sweet – an early ripening variety with an excellent early planting size.
the annual agricultural celebration was held in moshav nir chen, the celebration showcased a range of hazera crops developed for open fields, as well as a selection of greenhouse tomato varieties.
the open days were divided in two:
the first field day was dedicated to the company’s overseas customers. about 100 visitors from 28 countries attended in order to see and learn about the wide range of hazera crops that are suitable for the local growing conditions in their countries.
additionally, an international seminar was held at the company’s headquarters in berurim, that included a variety of professional lectures about a range of interesting subjects: weeds, pesticides, grafting, a global perspective about tomato breeding, using new r&d technologies and more.
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the second day was devoted to the company’s customers in the local market. hundreds of farmers from all corners of israel participated in hazera’s open day, and enjoyed the professional support of the israeli market team, a light lunch and refreshing beverages.
the hazera team presented to the customers all the varieties that the company developed especially for open field cultivation, and conducted tours of the fields to enable participants to see the varieties up close and learn about their cultivation conditions. the varieties showcased in the open day were tomato, pepper, melon, watermelon, brassica, lettuce, eggplant and more.
according to itzik ezra, hazera’s commercial manager of the israeli market: “the annual meeting that was held in nir chen this year allows us to keep in touch and cultivate our ties with growers, and to introduce them to our range of innovations in the field. this is also an opportunity for us to receive feedback about their satisfaction with our varieties, as well as their suggestions for improvements. hazera works tirelessly in order to develop new varieties that will meet the very highest standards for the benefit of our customers”.