Growing recognition of role of Polysulphate in organic farming
Polysulphate - the natural multi-nutrient fertilizer for organic farmers
recognition of the role of polysulphate in organic agriculture continues to grow with the addition of standard polysulphate to an international list of inputs allowed in organic farming.
polysulphate – the natural multi-nutrient fertilizer for organic farmers already approved for use in organic agriculture in uk, france, usa, canada, germany, italy and the netherlands, the addition of accreditation for polysulphate™ use in organic agriculture in israel last year was another important step.
polysulphate is a multi-nutrient, natural fertilizer mined and produced in the uk exclusively by icl. it supplies four plant nutrients: sulphur (s), potassium (k), magnesium (mg) and calcium (ca). it is available in several forms including polysulphate standard, polysulphate granular and polysulphate minis.
polysulphate standard listed for organic farming
it is standard polysulphate that has recently been listed on the international list of inputs allowed for organic farming according to ec 834/2007, nop and jas regulation. the addition of this key member of the polysulphate family of fertilizers to this list will be of assistance to organic growers and encourage them to discover how standard polysulphate can help organic crops to perform better.
the theme of the 13th ipi-cau-isass international symposium is potash and polyhalite: potassium, sulphur, magnesium and calcium for efficient balanced plant nutrition. find out more at