East Asian Consumers Prefer Jaffa Orri Mandarins
Jaffa Orri Mandarins where East Asia Meets West Asia

Jaffa easy-peel citrus fruit is gaining popularity in both China and Japan. According to the latest research, 73% of Chinese consumers agree that they would buy Jaffa Orri mandarins and 81% of Japanese consumers, who know them as Jaffa OR, prefer them too, according to the latest research.
Israel’s Plant Production and Marketing Board recently conducted a sensory market research study to evaluate Jaffa’s Orri and OR mandarin’s potential and positioning in China and Japan.
The findings indicated a marked preference for the Jaffa Orri mandarin in both China and Japan.
In April 2017 MMR Research Worldwide Ltd. conducted sensory market research in China, surveying 202 residents of Beijing and Shanghai aged between 25 and 55. The objective was to examine Jaffa Orri acceptance compared to other mandarin varieties sold in China.
Overall, Jaffa Orri performed significantly better than Frutaria and Buzhihuo, and exponentially better than Murcott (a.k.a. Honey Tangerine).
Jaffa Orri was well liked across all sensory attributes, attaining 70% or greater “just right” (optimum score) on color (before peeling), strength of aroma, strength of taste, and firmness of texture. “Interestingly,” observes Tal Amit, head of the citrus sector at Israel’s Plant Production and Marketing Board, “quite a few consumers spontaneously complimented the fruit on its juiciness and good balance of sweetness and acidity”.
GfK Custom Research LLC conducted similar sensory market research in Tokyo, Japan, among 200 men and women, aged 30 to 60 years, with similar results. Of the Japanese consumers polled, 81% said they would purchase Jaffa Orri mandarins, while just 46% said they would purchase Ponkans and 39% Murcotts.
The research results clearly demonstrate that Jaffa Orri likability is much higher than its competitors regarding “good sweetness-acidity balance,” “juiciness,” and “texture.”
“This is exciting news for Israel’s Jaffa Orri mandarin growers who have worked hard to accelerate yield and ensure high quality fruit,” asserts Amit. “Jaffa Orri is set to increase its export volumes to China and Japan in the season commencing January 2018.”