Commitment to a healthy environment, healthy growers and healthy consumers
BioBee Sde Eliyahu commercially produces beneficial insects

BioBee Sde Eliyahu commercially produces beneficial insects and mites for biological pest control, earth bumblebees Bombus terrestris for natural pollination, as well as sterile males of the Mediterranean fruit flies (Medfly) for application of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). The company’s products are marketed as components of integrated solutions for both conventional and bio-organic agriculture. BioBee company is a pioneer in the use of beneficial insects and mites as natural alternatives to chemical pesticides, that are now a source of concern for numerous consumers. In order to offer growers state-of-the-art integrated plant and crop protection solutions, the company recently began to market additional products such as traps, attractants, beneficial nematodes and natural substances with low toxicity and residue.
The company’s customers seek to offer their end-consumers high quality agricultural produce, with the lowest possible levels of pesticide residue. Products are sold along with comprehensive guidance and support that is provided by experienced experts and is aimed at ensuring optimal outcomes.
Integrated Pest Management
BioBee makes use of the extensive know-how accumulated together with beneficial macrobial and microbial pest control solutions, which have been developed over the past decades, all aimed at improving the quality of crops and yields. The company provides its customers with crop protection solutions comprised of a wide range of elements – such as beneficial insects and mites, traps and attractants, entomopathogenic nematodes, fungi, bacteria and viruses, oils and plant extracts. Selected chemical compounds, with low residue levels, are also included in the company’s solutions – if and when necessary.
Natural Pollination
BioBee commercially produces and applies earth bumblebees for pollination of a wide range of agricultural crops, including greenhouse vegetables: tomato, sweet pepper, eggplant, zucchini, strawberry, and open field crops: avocado, almond, apple, pear, blueberries and sweet cherry.
BioFly – Mediterranean Fruit Fly – SIT Projects
Under the BioFly brand, BioBee markets a comprehensive and environmentally friendly solution for the control of Mediterranean fruit flies that attack various agricultural crops – citrus trees, deciduous trees and vegetables. The Bio-Fly plant mass-produces sterilized male pupae and flies. Release of the sterile male flies in agricultural fields prevents establishment of a sustainable progeny, resulting in a steep drop in the fruit fly population. The release process is accompanied by expert agro-technological support and service.
Integrated Natural Products
BioBee has recently begun to offer growers additional plant protection solutions, such as traps and attractants, entomopathogenic nematodes, fungi, bacteria and viruses, oils and plant extracts. The company is currently examining new plant growth-promoting materials. All of BioBee’s product lines are natural, integrated with beneficial insects and mites, and are characterized by low levels of toxicity and/or residue.
Quality Control
As part of BioBee’s commitment to supplying its customers with products of the highest quality, BioBee strove to win ISO 9001: 2008 standard accreditation, ensuring stringent quality control procedures in all the company’s fields of activity: production, research & development, field services, marketing and logistics. BioBee is proud to be the first company in the world to produce beneficial macro-organisms in compliance with ISO standard.
The Future
The growing awareness among consumers of the risks of pesticide residue on fresh agricultural produce has encouraged leading retail food chains in the world to allocate substantial shelf space to produce that was grown under biological-integrated pest control regimes. This global trend is a golden opportunity for BioBee to market its products and to continue to develop solutions and technologies that are in line with its commitment to a healthy environment, healthy growers and healthy consumers.