Ginegar Plastic Products Ltd

Ginegar Plastic Products is a world leading producer of advanced films and nets for a wide variety of agricultural applications, with special emphasis on greenhouse covers, mulches,
VIF films and also a range of non-agricultural applications.
Since 1969, Ginegar has been combining its expertise in plastics technology, with its agronomic know-how and understanding of the needs of growers worldwide.
A long time pioneer in its field, Ginegar was the first to introduce large size multi – layer extruders capable of producing 16-meter wide, 3-layer films for use as greenhouse covers and mulches in the 1980s .
Leading the way once again in 2001, Ginegar was the first producer of agricultural polyethylene films to install 5-layer extruders that produced films up to 16 meters wide. These offer significantly enhanced optical, physical and surface functional (anti-drip) performance.
Still leading the field today, Ginegar remains an innovator, introducing new solutions and products to meet current and changing needs. It offers both technological expertise and agronomic know-how
The Ginegar Product Development Team includes seasoned agronomists with hands-on experience, as well as plastics engineers and technicians. Not only do we know
exactly what the grower’s problems are and what he needs to solve them, we also know how to
engineer and manufacture it in the best way.
Our plastic films, based on polyethylene and its derivatives, including LDPE, HDPE, EVA, LLDPE and PA are manufactured to serve a variety of applications.

Among Ginegar's leading products are:
• Agricultural films for greenhouse covers
• Mulch films for use in open fields
• Films for low tunnels covering a variety of crops
• Highest quality shade and mesh nets
• Barrier films for soil fumigation with noxious chemicals (VIF) (TIF)
• Thick HDPE films for pond and reservoir liners
• Heavy duty bags for chemical fertilizers
• and a range of non-agricultural applications

Serving customers worldwide
Ginegar Plastic Products provides customers in over 60 countries on 5 continents. We pride
ourselves on making the perfect match between customer needs, crops, climate and terrain
conditions, and the film that provides the ultimate solution, with ongoing customer support and
assistance to ensure best possible results.
All Ginegar products comply with SI ISO 9001:2000 international quality management standards.