The new technologies have been developed and applied primarily in various farming facilities (greenhouses, tunnels, net houses, etc.). In recent years the use of these technologies has expanded into horticulture, and especially to orchards. The planting spacing, species, tree shaping and the planning of the area have all went through a comprehensive change. There has also been a dramatic change in everything concerning the agro technical aspects of cultivating and managing the orchard. The Foliar Application System as a tree disease protection system, is one of the most important technology implemented, to facilitate healthy plants.
“Crop Care Solution” family, Developed by NaanDan Jain, composed of most advanced emitters and accessories, saving manpower, chemicals and machine time. Minimizing soil compaction, operational at any weather conditions, protects the environment.
Cost-effective, Time-saving, Environmentally-friendly
The Concept
A static injection system for foliar application is permanently installed throughout the orchard area, facilitating delivery of different solutions/substances through foliar application above and below canopies, treatment of trunks and inner foliage – depending on the orchard type, crop type, and planting method.
The solution is applied by injection system, pumped into the emitters, does not require human presence inside the treated area. Operating costs are significantly reduced, application efficiency is significantly improved, environment is better protected and the health of human beings is at the top of our consideration.